Frequently Asked Questions

Where can it be delivered?

The sauna is constructed out of an antique horse trailer.  We will need about the size of one parking spot to place the sauna at.  The spot must be mostly flat and have access to be able to back the trailer in with a pick up truck.  If renting an Airbnb it is best to check with your host to make sure it is okay to park the sauna in their driveway.   Having the host take a photo of the area and sending it to us is a great way to ensure the sauna can be delivered to your house.

Is the fire wood included?

Yes, everything you need to heat up the sauna will be ready for you. A stack of wood, fire starting materials, and instructions will be included. If you are uncomfortable starting your own fire, ask us about the possibility of having your fire started and stoked for you upon delivery.

How hot will it get?

The sauna will reach temperatures of up to 210 degrees with a good fire rolling! Don’t worry if this is to much for you it is very easy to crack the door to cool it down or start a smaller fire in the stove for less heat. Many people have not been in a sauna that can reach such high temps. In many hotel saunas 140 degrees can feel like too much, this is due to poor construction and poor ventilation. In a proper built and ventilated sauna it can be comfortable to sit at 180 degrees because there is plenty of oxygen flow!

Is this only for the winter?

NO, renting this sauna is an amazing addition to a mountain vacation year round. Most summer nights the mountain air is crisp and cold.  There is no better way to end your day than soaking in a proper wood fired sauna. 

How many people can the sauna accommodate?

The mobile sauna can fit 6 adults. Don’t worry if you have more people in your group. Sauna use is best when split up into short sessions. It is easy for a big group to enjoy while taking turns going in and out of the sauna.

Where can I put the sauna?

The best part about the mobile sauna is that it can go (almost) anywhere! Wherever you want it, please ensure that there is room in front and back for the truck that’s used to put it in place and that it’s mostly level; if you have these, however, there’s no limit to where you can put it.

Face the stars, the mountains, your own back yard - or open to your neighbors and make them all jealous!

What if I’m allergic to wood smoke?

Ask us about our propane sauna; all the same great heat but less work and no smoke!

What if I have a large party?

Our propane sauna can fit extra people as it’s larger! If you have the space for it, consider that option; it’s the exact same cost.